“YHYW, God loves animals, for this He made animal, the man too!”
Nova Zelândia reconhece os animais como seres sencientes
This young pup at the Hamilton SPCA is now legally recognised as having feelings.
A change to New Zealand law has recognised what pet owners and scientists have known for years - that animals have feelings.
The Animal Welfare Amendment Bill, which passed its final reading on Tuesday, states that animals, like humans, are "sentient" beings.
"To say that animals are sentient is to state explicitly that they can experience both positive and negative emotions, including pain and distress," said Dr Virginia Williams, chair of the National Animal Ethics Advisory Committee.
"The explicitness is what is new and marks another step along the animal welfare journey."
The bill also bans the use of animals for the testing of cosmetics.
Dr Williams said the legal recognition of animal sentience provided a stronger underpinning of the requirements of the Animal Welfare Act.
Nelson SPCA manager Donna Walzl said the changes were "wonderful".
"It's great to finally see it brought into legislation. It's awesome."
She said pets that came to the SPCA's attention often exhibited human-like emotions.
"You can see that they do have separation anxiety and that's showing emotion. It's almost a human emotion," she said
It's the same with the animals that we see that are neglected and have real, true animal welfare issues. They suffer for it. You can see it in their eyes. It's quite sad, really."
A submission on the bill by SPCA Auckland said a declaration of sentience was needed "because most New Zealand law treats animals as 'things' and 'objects' rather than as living creatures".
Walzl said she hoped that recognising animals as sentient beings would add "more weight" to abuse and neglect cases in court.
"Hopefully there will be some sterner penalties out there and that obviously creates a bigger deterrent for people to do those things."
The bill also provides for a penalty scheme to enable low-to-medium level offending to be dealt with more effectively, and gives animal welfare inspectors the power to issue compliance notices, among other measures.
New Zealand Veterinary Association president Dr Steve Merchant said the bill greater clarity, transparency and enforceability of animal welfare laws.
"Expectations on animal welfare have been rapidly changing, and practices that were once commonplace for pets and farm stock are no longer acceptable or tolerated. The bill brings legislation in line with our nation's changing attitude on the status of animals in society."
The bill was introduce to parliament by primary industries minister Nathan Guy in May, 2013.
A Nova Zelândia acaba de dar um enorme passo em direção ao bem-estar animal, reconhecendo-os legalmente como seres sencientes.
A nova lei estabelece oficialmente que os animais, assim como os seres humanos, são criaturas capazes de perceber e sentir coisas.
"Dizer que os animais são sensíveis, significa afirmar explicitamente que podem viver emoções sejam positivas que negativas, como dor e angústia", disse Virginia Williams, do Animal Ethics Advisory. "Este importantíssimo reconhecimento marca um outro passo na luta pelo bem-estar animal".
A lei, explica Animal Equality, proíbe a utilização de animais para testar produtoscosméticos e também fornece um sistema de classificação de punições mais ou menos grave, dando aos inspetores que monitoram o bem-estar animal, a oportunidade de apresentar relatórios de conformidade ou não com a lei.
“Que os animais têm emoções semelhantes às nossas, vemos todos os dias. Eles vivem a ansiedade da separação e demonstram sofrimento. E esse é um sentimento quase humano. A mesma coisa acontece quando vemos animais mal tratados. Eles sofrem muito...o que pode ser visto em seus olhos. É realmente muito triste", acrescentou a diretora do Nelson SPCA - o ente de proteção animal neozelandesa.
A lei é uma ferramenta que proporciona uma maior clareza, transparência e uma melhor . E é apenas um dos últimos atos em favor dos animais naquele país que, em 2012 se juntou à Austrália contra a caça às baleias.
aplicabilidade das leis para o bem-estar animal
"A percepção do bem-estar animal está mudando rapidamente e muitas práticas antes consideradas normais, fossem para os animais de estimação fossem para os de criação para abate, já não são mais aceitáveis ou toleradas.
A lei está em consonância com a mudança de atitude da nossa nação sobre o estado dos animais na sociedade", disse o presidente da Associação de Veterinários da Nova Zelândia, Dr. Steve Merchant.
Fonte: http://www.greenme.com.br/informar-se/animais/1840-nova-zelandia-reconhece-os-animais-como-seres-sencientes
I prayed and asked God for the light of His Spirit guide us in this quest in favor of His creation; and to grant us the humility to always reviewing our positions, as many times as needed; and never stop to search, because our knowledge is partial, and the Spirit of God acts according to designs of Love.
And with love, that human beings can see as their mission to conduct the nature, and the own man , to the ways of the Lord, where the law of the “strongest”, that prevails now, will have to give place to the Law of the Only One that is strong, Jesus!
Thanks, it is wonderful everything that I have found in the Word, and in the Name of Jesus I thank and i pray to Him, that guide our steps on this journey which I believe to be the most beautiful approach, today, about love of God for all souls, of all living beings!
Everyone who see himself as part of nature, and that we are animals, it is a person that can to understand the true meaning of the message of this book:God only knows how to create perfect, and love us!
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